Health Science Services
Our scientists play a vital role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a number of medical conditions, and they don’t all spend their days in the laboratory. We have Pharmacists, Medical Devices, Biomedical Scientists, Microbiologists, Respiratory Physiologists, Optometrists, Physician Associates, Cardiac Physiologists, Pathology Technicians, Medical Photographers, and Audiologists just to name a few.
Spotlight on Pharmacy
We are an innovative, forward thinking team, and are dedicated to the progression of the Pharmacy profession to provide excellent patient care. With a mix of hospital based pharmacy teams and primary care cluster based teams, our teams provide services via a busy dispensary, aseptic units, and ward areas, along with advanced care to intensive care and coronary care units. Within the primary care, our Pharmacy teams become integrated members of the primary care teams within GP surgeries and primary care clusters.

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