Improving Care
Our organisational goal of “Improving Care” means we are always delivering safe and compassionate care.
We are continually developing new models of care, which includes digital transformation for patients and staff. Finally, improving care strives for timely access to care for those in the communities we serve.
At CTM, “Improving Care” means:
We are ensuring that we lead by example with effective, inclusive, collective and system leadership. We live our values of listening, learning and improving, treating everyone with respect and all working together as one team.
We are always adapting so we can encourage a focus on “health” rather than “illness” with a focus on wellbeing and wellness for our patients, families and our staff. As well as this, we embed a safe approach to care with clear governance structures.
We are making sure we have a robust workforce with the right skill mix so that people receive care from the right person at the right time and we embed a prudent approach ensuring we are only using the most effective and evidence based approaches.
We seek ways for and encourage staff to work at the top of their professional licence and constantly review and adapt our processes and flex our workforce to enable more timely access to our services.
Why join us?
If you join CTM you will become part of a diverse group of compassionate professionals who all strive together, on a daily basis to provide safe and effective care. We are often at the forefront of developing new and innovative approaches and models of care and have fully embraced digital and blended methods of enhancing care for our patients and families.
We know we are at our most effective, and provide most value and impact, when we are able to offer timely access to our services in an inter-disciplinary way, and thereby continuously review and adapt our services in order to achieve this. We work closely with our colleagues in the other HBs and Trusts in Wales, developing all Wales pathways and looking at how we can provide regional solutions.
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