By training in Wales, you can unlock many exciting career opportunities, choose from high quality specialty training and get support from experienced health care professionals including doctors and nurses dedicated to helping your development.
Within Cwm Taf Morgannwg, we ensure there is opportunity for you to unlock your career potential and we support individual pathways by offering high quality speciality training.
We partner with a breadth of training providers across the region to provide a suite of qualifications and learning opportunities, including bespoke sessions.
These include:
• Clinical Education – Education, training and Continuing Professional Development at all stages of your healthcare professional career (HCP) including foundation, core and specialist training, extended roles, independent prescribing, specialist and advanced practice, through to Consultant level practice;
• A Leadership Management and Development Programme; offering guided training for anyone with supervisory or managerial responsibilities;
• A Leadership Forum offering informal opportunity for networking and staying connected with health board developments;
• Coaching and mentoring opportunities; and
• Apprenticeships opportunities.
We are also working towards the exciting launch of a Leadership Academy for supporting senior managers to grow and develop in their roles.

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